Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fireworks and Carbon Output.

"What better way to celebrate your country's Independence by blowing up a small part of it."- Apu from The Simpsons circa 1994

I really tried to find some good data on the carbon and pollution emissions from fireworks, I thought it would be neat to find one of those "equal to this many cars off the road" comparisons. Like, not lighting off 1,000 Whistling Moon Travelers would be equal to removing 10 cars from the road for one year, .................. but I couldn't find any.

The only real empirical data I could find was an abstract on the atmospheric pollution release caused by the burning of fireworks during the Beijing Lantern Festival. As interesting as it was for a short time it didn't have the catchy analogy that I was hoping for.

In any case, have a safe and happy holiday and make a point to offset all of those carbon, sulfate and nitrate emissions from your fireworks this weekend in any way you can. Walk...don't drive, choose local produce and foods for your BBQ, guzzle lots of organic beer, use cups, plates, and utensils that are recyclable or are made from recycled content, use a woodless stove, and perhaps my favorite suggestion, make your margaritas with your own pedal powered blender!


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